Happy ‘Doctor Who’ Day 2010

Happy ‘Doctor Who’ Day 2010
November 23, 2010
Geeks of Doom

Happy Doctor Who Day!

It was on this day, 47 years ago, the British public was first exposed to an eccentric old Time Lord known only as the Doctor in Doctor Who, with William Hartnell being the first man to take on the moniker in the first episode of the series, titled An Unearthly Child.

Initially designed as a science fiction television show for children that would focus on history and science, nobody behind the scenes back in 1963 could have possibly conceived how much of a phenomenon that Doctor Who would become.

In the years since its initial launch, the universe of Doctor Who has expanded significantly, giving rise to a detailed mythos that would form to become the lore and legends of the Time Lords of Gallifrey — a foundation to the Who saga that rivals many other science fiction tales around the world that people have followed.

Since 2005, the Doctor Who series has relaunched with the guidance of Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat, with the Doctor being portrayed as the Last of the Time Lords by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and currently Matt Smith.

Although the new series features realistic CGI effects, on this Doctor Who Day, I find myself thinking back to some of the classic Doctor Who episodes; shows that suffered greatly from limiting budgets, but saw unbelievable creativity from the crew behind the scenes, doing whatever they could do to ensure the stories got told — even if it meant using bubble wrap and green paint for the special effects and costumes!

So on this Doctor Who Day of 2010, what memories do you have of the classic series? What elements of the new series do you love? When did you discover Doctor Who, and did you “hide behind the sofa” when the Daleks came on-screen? Who is your favorite Doctor?
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