'Predators' is good, grownup fun

'Predators' is good, grownup fun
June 15, 2010
Linda Cook
Go & Do

hey're still hunters. And this time, they're hunting us.
"Predators," the latest in what has become a series of science-fiction yarns about an alien race that hunts for pleasure, is good grownup fun. And who doesn't want to see Adrien Brody in another edgy science-fiction tale, especially after "Splice" just a few weeks ago?
A bunch of killers who don't even know what's going on find themselves literally falling from the sky. The first is Royce (Adrien Brody), who soon is followed by a troupe that includes a swordsman, a mercenary, a doctor (Topher Grace) and a violent offender (Walton Goggins, "The Shield").
They trek through the jungle, arguing and wondering together, until they come to the realization that the sun has not moved in all the hours they've been wherever they are. When they see beyond the trees in the jungle, they realize that they are no longer on Earth.
The first "Predator" was released in 1987, and it starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the characters in the Amazon who came upon these deadly aliens. It was a high-quality stalk ‘n' slash, and so is this one. You simply never know who's going to get it.
The action literally begins the second the movie opens, and it doesn't stop until the end. (In fact, you could say it doesn't even stop there - but I'm not doing a spoiler here.)
I think all of the performers had fun with this. Brody is one of those guys who can play a leading man, a mad scientist or, here, a tough survivor. And the other actors are capable, too, particularly Laurence Fishburne in a quasi-madman role.
I can't tell you what you'll see in the finale. Let's just say that there could indeed be a sequel to "Predators," which wouldn't be a bad deal in the hands of the proper screenwriter/director.
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