R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen, star of Forbidden Planet and numerous science fiction spoofs

R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen, star of Forbidden Planet and numerous science fiction spoofs
November 29, 2010
Charlie Jane Anders

Leslie Nielsen, who died last night, helped to pioneer the science fiction genre on screen when he starred in Forbidden Planet. And then he helped lampoon that genre in countless spoof movies, including 2001: A Space Travesty.

If Nielsen had only starred in Forbidden Planet, his contribution to science fiction would still be incalculable. Here's a reel of outtakes and deleted scenes focusing on his role in the film (thanks to Bonnie Burton):

Later in his career, he also starred in the Ray Bradbury Theater episode "Marionettes, Inc." Here's the whole thing:

But after he'd already had a lengthy and varied career including a lot of dramatic roles, Nielsen launched an illustrious comedy career — in which he often poked fun at science fiction (as well as the "spy-fi" genre that includes wacky science and crazy gadgets.) Among the many science fictional spoofs and comedies he appeared in, there's The Reluctant Astronaut (1967), The Creature Wasn't Nice (1983), Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995), 2001: A Space Travesty (2000), the Scary Movie films and Superhero Movie (2008).

Here's a scene from The Creature Wasn't Nice, where a monster sings "I Want To Eat Your Face":

Here he is in 2001: A Space Travesty:

Nielsen will be missed, but at least his insanely awesome career has left us with a lot of gems to rewatch, including Forbidden Planet, Airplane and the Naked Gun movie
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