Is the science fiction convention becoming a thing of the past?

Is the science fiction convention becoming a thing of the past?
June 21, 2010
The website @ the end of the universe

Have you been to a science fiction convention lately? There has been much talk among long-time convention goers that your typical science fiction convention isn't doing a very good job at attracting new blood. As you sit in the audience of your average con, you see a lot more white-haired (and no haired) heads than you used to.

Some think that science fiction cons need to do a better job of attracting young people, which is fine, but how do you explain that competing cons aimed at anime fans are packed with young people? Maybe it's not the convention content, but the material that people are there to celebrate. Perhaps young people aren't going to science fiction cons because they aren't reading as much science fiction.

There are other theories for decling attendance. This place called the internet is one of them. Why travel far and wide to meet with other science fiction fans when you can do it every single day online? I think there's something to be said for that argument. All of those fascinating panels that you sit in on at your average con are topics which are debated 24/7 online and the stuff in the dealer's room is pretty much available with the click of a mouse on eBay.

The real reason we go to cons, though, is to meet with real people in the flesh. No amount of virtual conventioneering can replace that. Author Ben Bova explains what a science fiction convention is for those who have never been to one and makes the case as to why they are worth attending.

Terry Pratchett is another author who is a fan of conventions. Here he is explaining how attending them as a fan inspired him to become a writer.

Thank God for cons! Imagine a world withouth Discworld books!
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